Hi there!
My name is Mateusz Moscicki and I am a designer-maker. Since 2001 I am providing individual designs to best utilise customers residential and office spaces.
What is a Designer Maker..? There is no separate category for that on most advertising platforms, as I guess it is a fringe movement common only at Clerkenwell Design Week. There is a belief, that architects and designers are out of touch with materials and craftsman can't design very well so this new breed of Designers Makers can be best explained as "hands on architects presenting exceptional level of craftsmanship "
To minimise overheads of expensive workshop set up, which in London meant keeping 4 boys working constantly just to pay the workshop rent and machines leases, since 2014 I am a member of #buildingbloqs shared workspace community and workshop in north London, with access to wood and metal working machinery as well as the expertise and mutual support of 160 professional member designer-makers. This means vertically integrated production that is the best choice for bespoke commissions.
Laser cutting, cnc router and spray booth is also part of the facility. We recently have been granted enormous injection of funds by London Regeneration Fund and are moving to new facility that is to be largest in Europe. Come and visit.
After nearly two years of development I am ready to offer my new range of fitted furniture from own MODERN FAMILIAR line, it's very clever and offers considerable savings in comparison with traditional carcass-framed construction.
Other than that, typically an extensive array of solutions and materials is offered for bespoke service, as well as the simplest and most common options. Optimal application of steel, solid wood and/or sheet materials as well as composites, personally designed and fabricated guarantee results second to none. Before you ask the going rates on week plus projects are typically £260 per day but 90% of projects are agreed on fixed prices. Less than a weeks work @£60 per hour. So cheap, no? Car mechanic prices for creative craftsman. Spray finish typically £50m2 with 14 day lead time.